Omir zholy


March 3, 2022 a roundtable was held on the theme "Omir zholy", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov in the main reading hall of the Educational and Information Center of the M. Auezov SKU, with the participation of students of department “Civil law and civil procedure” faculty of “Jurisprudence”.

During the event K.T. Bimenov deputy dean and M.T. Blasheva master talked about poet, that A. Baitursynov also developed the basics of Kazakh and the scientific terminology for the definition of Kazakh grammar. During the Russian Revolution of 1917 occurred, Baitursynov returned to the steppes and began to work with the members of Alash Orda. With them, he sought for the Kazakhs to have an independent state. In 1937, he was executed by a firing squad during the Great Purge. Students also shared their thoughts and a thematic exhibition was organized.