БД – «Электронный архив» - полнотекстовая база данных учебной литературы на казахском, русском, английском языках    Комиссия по правам человека при президенте РК ELIBRARY.RU - ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА База данных arXiv.org — крупнейший бесплатный архив электронных публикаций научных статей и их препринтов по физике, математике, астрономии, информатике и биологии Электронная библиотека статей 300 популярных журналов и газет на английском языке (1998-2003 гг.)  Казахстанская открытая библиотека Казахстанская Национальная электронная библиотека       

A test access to East View Electronic Resource Collections
(company IVIS) is open in our library.

The "East View" databases contain sources on social and human sciences, applied sciences, pedagogy and education, military subjects, medicine, central and regional Russian periodicals, periodicals of the CIS and Baltic countries, and applied publications.

All electronic versions of the presented editions are as close as possible to the format of printed originals with preservation of page numbers, links and lists of used literature;

A simple and advanced search for information can be performed both on all databases at once, and on any source selected by the user;

Access to individual publications, individual issues, room contents and individual articles.

Access is granted from library computers
Link for access https://dlib.eastview.com/ 
                    The term of test access is from 02/18/2020 to 04/30/2020.


Mukhtar Auezov

