БД – «Электронный архив» - полнотекстовая база данных учебной литературы на казахском, русском, английском языках    Комиссия по правам человека при президенте РК ELIBRARY.RU - ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА База данных arXiv.org — крупнейший бесплатный архив электронных публикаций научных статей и их препринтов по физике, математике, астрономии, информатике и биологии Электронная библиотека статей 300 популярных журналов и газет на английском языке (1998-2003 гг.)  Казахстанская открытая библиотека Казахстанская Национальная электронная библиотека       

An online exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan's Neutrality and the year "Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Neutrality" has opened on the official websites of the libraries of the city of Shymkent, which was declared the cultural capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2020. The online exhibition, organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the support of the Akimat of the city of Shymkent, contains photographs that can be viewed with picturesque nature, features of national culture and traditions, about the richest history of Turkmenistan. The exhibition is designed to familiarize website visitors with the national treasures of Turkmenistan, which is flourishing under the leadership of the respected President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Note that the online exhibition is intended for a wide range of people and will last until the end of 2020. http://fair.otyrarlib.kz/

We present to your attention the presentation of the book “Lectures of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy N.А. Nazarbayev in the leading universities of the world ", which you can view in electronic format following the link (https://enic-kazakhstan.kz/reference_information/lekcii-elbasy-1) and get acquainted with the contents of the book, as well as excerpts from video lectures of  Elbasy at the world's leading universities.

Mukhtar Auezov

