БД – «Электронный архив» - полнотекстовая база данных учебной литературы на казахском, русском, английском языках    Комиссия по правам человека при президенте РК ELIBRARY.RU - ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА База данных arXiv.org — крупнейший бесплатный архив электронных публикаций научных статей и их препринтов по физике, математике, астрономии, информатике и биологии Электронная библиотека статей 300 популярных журналов и газет на английском языке (1998-2003 гг.)  Казахстанская открытая библиотека Казахстанская Национальная электронная библиотека       
The library offers its free access to full-text content database Taylor & Francis eBooks and Taylor & Francis Journal Platform http: //www.tandfebooks.com/, which contains magazines, electronic books, databases and reference materials issued by corporations, Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and Informa Healthcare. The mission of the site is to give researchers full-text resources in real time (as of publication). 
Informaworld Site contains material in English on the following topics:
Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
Audiology and Hearing Science
Behavioral Sciences
Built Environment
Computer Science
Development Studies
Development Studies, Environment, Social Work, Urban Studies
Earth Sciences
Economics, Finance, Business & Industry
Engineering & Technology
Environmental Studies & Management
Food Science & Technology
Information Science
Interdisciplinary Studies
Language & Literature
Mathematics & Statistics
Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health
Museum, Heritage Studies & Visual Arts
Physical Sciences
Reference & Information Science
Social Sciences
Social Work
Sports, Leisure, Travel & Tourism
Urban Studies
Access to the site of UKGU network does not require a password.


We invite you to take part in holding a round table on the Message of the President of Kazakhstan  «Қазақстан жаңа жаһандық нақты ахуалда: өсім, реформалар, даму», which will be held on February 28th, 2015 at 14.00.

Venue: main building, 2nd floor, main reading hall, EIC

A literary evening will be held on December 4, 2015 in the reading room №4 (7 building) on the theme: "Тәуелсіздік - азаттықтың алтын діңгегі" dedicated to the Independence Day.

Mukhtar Auezov

