БД – «Электронный архив» - полнотекстовая база данных учебной литературы на казахском, русском, английском языках    Комиссия по правам человека при президенте РК ELIBRARY.RU - ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА База данных arXiv.org — крупнейший бесплатный архив электронных публикаций научных статей и их препринтов по физике, математике, астрономии, информатике и биологии Электронная библиотека статей 300 популярных журналов и газет на английском языке (1998-2003 гг.)  Казахстанская открытая библиотека Казахстанская Национальная электронная библиотека       

On 9, November in the Reading Hall of World Languages in Education-Information Centre hosted a literary evening "Zheltokhsan in our Memory", which dedicated to the 20 th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan and the 25 th anniversary of the December events. December events in 1986 were in the beginning of the history of Kazakhstan becoming an independent state, a turning point national destiny. The purpose of this measure- to show the younger generation about the feelings of citizenship, patriotism and love for their country. The literary evening was held in Kazakh and English languages, where students have dedicated their poems in Kazakh, Turkish, French, Arab, German, Spanish, Russian and English languages. The evening showed that we must do everything possible, especially for the revival of their national identity and dignity. Only the revival of national identity and dignity, taking into account today's realities, the Kazakh people save from extinction and disappearance from the historical arena. By the evening of literature have been decorated exhibition «" Zheltokhsan in our Memory "», «Kazakhstan: at the crossroads of civilizations» in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.

On 18, November in Education Information Centre hosted a literary-musical evening «ТӘУЕЛСІЗ ЕЛ - ҚАЗАҒЫМ» , dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan and the 25th anniversary of the December events. The purpose of this event was to show to younger generation the feelings of patriotism, love for their country, to respect your country’s history and etc. For that literary-musical evening some guests were invited, such as: the teacher from the faculty “Culture” Esenaly Omar, Department of “Education and youth policy” Kambarov Altynbek, deputy director of EIC N.V. Rybalkyna, and library staff. Students from the faculty of “Culture”, “Agriculture”, “Information Technology and Automation systems” read extacts from the works of Kazakh poets, sang patriotic songs, played the dombura and read their poems about Kazakhstan. Students were awarded with certificates and gifts.

Дорогие ветераны!

Гордость и уважение к вам – в сердце каждого казахстанца.

Немеркнущая слава победителей фашизма навечно сохранится в памяти поколений.

Желаем нашим славным ветеранам и труженикам тыла здоровья и счастья!

Пусть опыт ваших побед и свершений сопутствует всем нам в строительстве независимого процветающего Казахстана!

С Днём Победы!

Mukhtar Auezov

